
Hi I'm Prizafal, a lot of people just call me Priz. I've been in various corners of the internet for about a decade now, starting off on Minecraft and making my way to Discord at the tail end of 2015. I'm a uni student going for a Bachelor of Science in Cybersecruity. I have experience with HMTL, CSS, Java, and Python and am probably gonna learn some more... eventually.

Places I staff:

Pornhub Logo Pornhub - I am an Administrator for their official Discord server, where I am in charge of the backend server management and bot configuration, using tools built by me and other administrators as well as tools provided by Discord and external developers to assist the moderation team in the day to day operations of the server.

Ticket Tool Logo Ticket Tool - Ticket Tool is the #1 ticket management service on Discord, being used in over 3.6 million servers. As the Head Moderator and a Support Team Supervisor at Ticket Tool, in additon normal moderation and support duties, I am in charge of managing the Support and Moderation team. I am also a member of the Documentation team, in charge of ensuring the Documentation is up to date.

xelA Logo xelA - xelA is a multipurpose Discord bot aiming to be the last Discord bot you'll ever need. As the "daemon" of xelA I am in charge of managing the Suport and Whitelisting team ("sudos"), reporting directly to the Community Manager ("sys")

Battlechest Logo Battlechest - Battlechest is an Indian Esports Tournament Organizer. As Battlechest's Human Resource Manager I am in charge of the onboarding and offboarding of all staff members. I am also in charge of the staff team's training and internal documentation.

Revival Logo Revival - Revival is a multifaceted, multileveled gaming community going from one game to the next as their interest waxes and wanes. At Revival I am a member of the High Council, making strategic decsisions for the future of the clan as well as being the clan's Discord Adminstrator, in charge of all facets of their Discord Server

Police Data Accessability Project Logo Police Data Accessibility Project - The Police Data Accessability Project is a movement focusing on making police data easily available and viewable by the public. As their Discord Administrator, I am in charge of making sure their Discord server is functional and following best practices.